Plague Inc. Wiki

Wiki restoration notice

Hello there,

  • The wiki was destroyed by an admin by deleting illegitimately thousands of pages/files.
  • As a result, the admin is banned globally and the SOAP team has restored pages.

-- Message from Miss Toki (a SOAP member)


Plague Inc. Wiki
What is Plague Inc?

Plague Inc. is a simulation video game created by Ndemic Creations for the iOS and Android platforms. The aim of the game is to destroy the human race with a Plague that you genetically engineer.

Discord Logo

Visit the Ndemic Creations Server for more information about the game. (Join)
There is a channel dedicated to the wiki, here are the instructions to access this channel.

Reddit Logo

Visit the r/Plague_inc subreddit (with a "_" in the middle) for more information about the game and community interaction to discuss strategies and certain aspects of the game.

Featured Article


The Simian Flu is based on the ALZ-113 virus in the Rise of the Planet of the Apes series of movies. A genetically modified viral medication designed by Gen-Sys to increase human intelligence and cure Alzheimer's disease. The virus is lethal to human patients, but has entirely different side effects on apes. (Full article...)

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