Plague Inc. Wiki
The following are strategies for the Bio-Weapon plague type in the Cure Mode. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips or Q&A .
If you want to write new strategies, please use this page.

Strategy 1[]

Every country infected by it increases the infectivity and lethality exponentially without limit. It takes only 100 days for the Bio-Weapon to reach 200%+ infectivity and lethality rate. This is a strategy that cultivated my successful attempt on Casual.

Basic Information[]


  • Casual

Task Force[]

  • Forensic Epidemiologist or Airport Coordinator - The first speeds up the cure, the other reduces intercontinental spread by decreasing airplane transmission. Either would work or not work at all.
  • Fast Response EMTs - Speed is key.
  • Quarantine Coordinator - You need every surrounding country to quarantine. Every new country infected brings you exponentially closer to inevitable annihilation.
  • Disaster Manager - Because people are going to die in droves.
  • Regulation Enforcer - Better quarantines reduces the amount of countries infected


The focus of this strategy is to combine lockdowns on countries with a mad focus on the cure and reducing lethality rate.

  • Start in a central location like Egypt or Saudi Arabia.
  • Get Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships, and Deploy Field Operatives immediately.
  • Once your Operatives have been placed, fly them around the map until you've found the country of origin.
  • Get Infection Control to try to stop the spread of the disease. Better than nothing.
  • Shut. Down. Everything. Immediately quarantine every goddamn continent that has been infected. Research the Furlough Schemes tree to reduce the surge of Non-Compliance. Use Targeted Economic Aid on individual countries with high Non Compliance.
  • Declare Armageddon when your Authority drops. Then immediately get Expectation Management to reduce Authority loss.
  • Somehow try to get the following things: Emergency Preparation, Critical Care Management, Treatment Efficiencies, Advanced Antibiotics, Improve Supply Chains, Monoclonal Antibody Treatment, Mask Wearing, Vaccine Research, Vaccine Manufacturing, Accelerated Research, Accelerated Manufacturing, Global Research Treaty, and Global Manufacturing Treaty.
  • If you see the cure nearly completed, use Authority 1, 2, 3, Censorship, and Fake News to keep you alive for a few moments.
  • If the Infection and Fatality Rate bars become full... restart the game. It's a sign that you have already lost because you cannot meaningfully reduce from a 300%+ stat value.
  • Best case scenario is that the cure is completed and you narrowly win the game with hundreds of millions dead.

Strategy 2[]

I've recently beaten BioWeapon on Normal. This strategy explains how, but it demands extreme speed and luck.

Basic Information[]


  • Normal

Task Force[]

  • Forensic Epidemiologist - The cure will be the checkmate stroke to finish off the disease. The faster the cure, the better, because every additional passing day increases the chance of the disease infiltrating another Region and ruining the attempt.
  • Economic Forecaster - Non-Compliance will skyrocket due to the draconian lockdowns. The automatic usage of Eco Aid is a great way to quickly keep NCompliance in check. However, it costs Resources every time it activates.
  • Quarantine Coordinator - Adjacent quarantines mitigate the chance of pathogen over-spread beyond Region borders.
  • Disaster Manager - Same as Strategy 1, because people are going to die in droves no matter what happens.
  • Strategic Fundraiser - More resources over time counteracts the expenditure associated with Eco Forecaster.


The primary concept is to lockdown the entirety of an infected Region and keep the disease contained in that Region to prevent the disease from exponentially increasing its stats.

  • Start in a central location, such as Egypt or Saudi Arabia.
  • Get Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships, and Deploy Field Operatives immediately.
  • Once your operatives have been placed, fly them around the map until you've found an infected country.
  • The moment you find a country that has been infected, immediately lock down Borders, Ports, and Airports in that country's Region while you search for more infected nations.
  • Make sure that the disease has not spread to more than one Region (e.g. only South America has cases of the pathogen). If it has spread to more than one Region, it will be economically impossible to contain the disease and your only option would be to restart the game.
  • If the disease remains in one Region, good. Then you can continue. Once you can afford it, Force Lockdown on the Region with infected cases and then get Furlough Schemes, Economic Aid, and Debt Relief as soon as possible. Also get Targeted Quarantine for more precise quarantine maneuvers. You will need that for later.
  • Your Authority will drop down at some point. Get Declare Armageddon to mitigate this.
  • Once Analysis has been completed, get Infection Control to reduce the spread rate of the disease.
  • Watch the Non-Compliance value of every country in the target Region. If you notice that NCompliance is rising up too much, continue getting more NCompliance-reduction factors: Adapt Society, Mortgage and Rent Relief, and National Stimulus.
  • Be very careful when buying things as the Economic Forecaster attribute will automatically spend Resources to keep Non-Compliance in check. If you have 0-1 Resources then the Task Force will not activate and you won't be able to use any of the other abilities. And a nation that is fully Non-Compliant for too long will begin to transmit the infection through Ports, Airports, and Borders which will ruin the strategy in entirety.
  • Don't forget to also close the Borders of the Region adjacent to the one you're focusing on. This is to reinforce the barriers that stop cross-Region transmission, because the Bio-Weapon is so impossibly powerful that it is capable of blatantly smashing through one layer of lockdown and border closure. For example, if you are currently focusing on South America and shut down everything there, then also close the borders of North America.
  • Do not let the disease spread to too many countries or else the Infection Rate and Lethality Rate bars will be filled up. If they have filled up, defeat is inevitable and the only option is to restart the game.
  • Get Public Awareness, Self-Isolation, Social Distancing, Local Lockdowns, and Triage Protocols to lower Infectivity and Lethality once the cross-country spread is under control. You will only need those five Responses, because attempting to get any more will waste precious Resource points.
  • Once you've ensured that the pathogen won't spread easily to other Nations and you have more than enough Resources, begin Vaccine Research. Then get Vaccine Manufacturing as soon as feasible.
  • If your Authority sinks too fast, get Authority 1, and Authority 2. If it still sinks and you're close to death, get Censorship.
  • With the Region under containment, search Intel and Disease Spread Information for the country with the highest number of infected people, and move your Operatives to such countries. These values will fluctuate rapidly, so prepare to move the Operatives to another country once the infected numbers on the first country have reached 0 percent due to either containment or the complete destruction of the population.
  • If the infection rates of the Region are beginning to dwindle, then revert the Lockdown on that Region and use Targeted Quarantine on the countries that have not yet recovered from infection. This is because countries that no longer have infected people while still having healthy people will accumulate lots of Non-Compliance if they are still under the Forced Lockdown. Too many countries that accumulate Non-Compliance too frequently will greatly strain your Resources on automatic Economic Aid activations, so transition to Targeted Quarantines while reverting Forced Lockdown only.
  • Keep on trying to keep the infected numbers of every infected country in check while the cure bar increases.
  • If you have managed to keep the BWeapon contained and survive long enough for the Cure to be fully completed, congratulations, you have beaten one of the most frustrating modes in the entire game.
  • This is by no means a guaranteed strategy, as even small slips/mistakes or simple RNG can completely ruin the game. But it's the general strategy in which one can at least hope to achieve victory.

Strategy 3[]

This strategy may or may not work, depending on the country of origin, but in general, it works in a certain way, so you must adapt this strategy depending on which countries the Bio-Weapon infects.

Basic Information[]


  • Normal

Task Force[]

  • No Advisor Required


  • Start in Germany
  • First of all enable these operations: Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships & Deploy Field Operatives
  • Send your outbreak investigation team to countries that are located in the center of the continents or that have many borders, for example, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, Kazakhstan , Bolivia, Mexico, S. E. Asia or C. America.
  • After you have found the outbreak of the disease, send your team to search the nearby countries, to check if they have infected.
  • Upon completing that, you should try your best to block all travel to that continent. But remember, that while you block all travel, you must prepare financial aid for the population so that they agree to keep borders, airports and ports closed.
  • Then, you must apply "Force Lockdown", to prevent the health system of the infected countries from collapsing. (See Example Image 1 in Gallery)
  • After 90% of the Analysis, the game will enable an ability called "Declare Armageddon", quickly activate this operation so that you can have more authority and other types of useful operations.
  • At this time, you must save resources, to enable the "Extreme Measures 1 & 2" operation, in order to prevent the contagion from advancing.
  • To avoid that the contagion spreads to other countries, you must use the Response of "Monitoring of Land Borders"
  • After that, you must enable the "Infection Control" and "Emergency Care" operations, send your research team to the countries with the least infected, since these countries generally ignored the quarantines at first, because they have a small infected population. (See Example Image 2, in which Libya and Central Africa have few cases, but are recovering, despite having a low percentage of infected)
  • After that, enable the responses of "Contact Tracing 1 & 2", to prevent this type of situation from happening again.
  • If there is a lot of panic in the world, use "Expectation Management"
  • Now, you must focus on the countries that have the most infected, so send your investigation team to the country with the most infections.
  • Eventually the countries will slowly recover. (See Example Image 3)
  • In the end, all the infected will recover without the need for a vaccine and you will win the game. (See Example Image 4)


Strategy 4[]

Basic Information[]


  • Mega Brutal

Task Force[]

  • Needed advisors strategic fundraising, because you will run out of funds without it


  • Start in Caribbean
  • The only way to do this is a total lockdown in South America if it does not start in this continent, restart.
  • First block planes and boats then get 2 levels of Economic Support
  • After that, use "Declare Armageddon" to reduce authority per country then close land borders then more anti non-compliance.
  • Then total lockdown of North America & South America also block planes boats and land borders.
  • If at anytime during this process the plague spreads to North America block planes and boats and land borders for the continent.
  • If people non comply then upgrade anti non compliance or pay them money, now that the plague is trapped and moving slower start working on a cure plus manufacturing do so as fast as possible and you have about a 10 percent chance of winning.
  • Boost authority using upgrades if needed also use fake news/censorship if needed.
  • Repeat the strategy, if the Bio-Weapon starts in South America and has not left the continent.

Strategy 5 (Easy)[]

Basic Information[]


  • Brutal

Task Force[]

  • Molecular Biologist, Strategic Fundraiser, Fast Response EMTs, Medical Coordinator (no quarantine advisor needed)


  • Start in Greenland
  • Use the disease investigation team to find the disease
  • Get Declare Armageddon, then Expectation Management, Authority 1, Authority 2, and Authority 3 as soon as possible. Your reputation should be about 360 now.
  • Do not take any attempts whatsoever to control the disease
  • Once your reputation is almost at 0, get Censorship and Fake News
  • By the time these reputation-freezing effects end, the plague will have killed all of its hosts, thus eradicating the disease.
    • Note: This is not possible on Mega Brutal because the reputation-freezing effects will end too soon and because recovered people can be infected twice.
Bio-Weapon Cure Mode Brutal Strategy Results

An example of a win using this strategy. Note: Authority is higher since the cure was able to be researched using Bypass Safety Measures.

Strategy 6[]

Basic Information[]


  • Mega Brutal

Task Force[]

  • Molecular Biologist, Celebrity Scientist, Strategic Fundraiser, Fast Response EMTs, Medical Coordinator


  • Start in Caribbean
  • Get Investigate Outbreaks and Deploy Field Operatives. Go to Brazil and Colombia. If the initial outbreak is not discovered (which means that it is not in South America) or the disease has spread to another continent, restart the game until you do.
  • Immediately disable airports and seaports in South America, and move the field operatives to every country in South America. If a red airplane or boat manages to escape before the shutdown, quickly reload the game. This will "delete" the infected plane/boat.
  • Get Declare Armageddon, then Expectation Management. In addition, once the disease spreads to North America, disable airports and seaports.
  • Get Authority 1, 2, and 3. If you reach 200 reputation, use Censorship and Fake News if desired since the majority of reputation loss happens at this stage.
  • Wait for the disease to spread to every single nation in the Americas or for a nation to no longer have any infected people. Do not attempt to research a cure.
  • By now, the disease should have been analyzed. Shut down the borders of the Americas, then start screening borders.
    • This is because countries in which all hosts have died will lift the airport and seaport closures and the Recovered will revert back to being Healthy. They are thus vulnerable to being reinfected and possibly transmitting the disease to another continent.
    • Again, if a red airplane or boat manages to escape from a reinfected country, quickly reload the game.
  • Eventually, the disease will die out without the use of a vaccine.
Bio-Weapon Cure Mode Mega Brutal Strategy Results

An example of a win using this strategy.

Strategy 7 - Mobile Ver.[]

Basic Information[]

  • Author: My friend, who asked if she could write this on my account.


  • Mega Brutal

Task Force[]

  • Disease Advisors: Airport Controller (Works best if Argentina isn't the origin country)
  • Quarantine Advisors: Celebrity Scientist
  • Outbreak Advisors: Surgeon General (I've tried on mobile with Strategic Fundraiser, and I've lost every time I've used it. Technical Officer might work, but I haven't yet tested it.)
  • Field Advisors: Fast Response EMTs
  • Operation Advisors: Disaster Manager


  • This is the South America method, with some slight deviations, as mobile is different from Evolved.
  • Some key things to note are 1) Timing is crucial. From the beginning of the game to when you pick up censorship and fake news, the timing of when you pick those up is critical. 2) I've had slightly different games with slightly different methods, so you need to play yourself and get a sense of what you need to do when.
  • IMPORTANT: Occasionally pause and check on any country that has traditionally messed you up. In my case, it's the UK, so I occasionally pause and check to see if anyone has gotten infected there. This is also why it's important to go through trial and error with the bioweapon, as everyone's game has different tendencies, and not checking and missing a small outbreak can eventually lead to you losing the game.
  • First things first, pause the game and set your HQ in the Caribbean. Then pick up Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships, and Deploy Field Operatives.
  • It is, as many other methods have already said, very important to lock down the bioweapon to one continent, and especially in mobile, which, according to my experience, is much more difficult than Evolved. Once your field operatives have spawned, instantly send them to Colombia, then Brazil. For the most part, if the bioweapon has spawned anywhere in South America, it should already be there. If you scan those two countries and you don't find it, restart again and again until you finally find it in Colombia or Brazil, and it isn't already in Central America and Mexico. If it's in Central America already, and the numbers are low, you don't necessarily need to restart, I've beaten the game even after losing Central America by just picking up Extreme Measures and getting lucky with a low infectivity there, but generally, if it's in Central America, it heads to Mexico and then the United States pretty quickly, so I recommend just restarting until you find it in Colombia or Brazil.
  • Go to the Quarantine tab, and pick up the South America Alert, then immediately pick up Close Air and Sea Access. In most cases, no infected planes or boats will have left and infected a country outside of South America. But if there is an infected country, you can either restart or pick up Extreme Measures 1 and pray you get lucky with low numbers. But if the numbers are above 20 in the newly infected country, you will not be able to get the second level of Extreme Measures in time, and I recommend restarting.
  • Go to the Operation tab and pick up Declare Armageddon.
  • Put your field operatives on top of Central America with at least one level of Extreme Measures activated, and sit there and wait for your authority to start dropping. Once it's hit around 100, pause the game and check all the countries in South America to see if they have hit critical mass. If the majority of them have, or
  • resume the game at the lowest speed, and keep going until your authority has dropped to around 60-ish. Then pause the game, go into the Operation tab, pick up Expectation Management, Authority 1, and then Censorship. You want to freeze authority in a one-month period in which you expect the most people to die, and that will usually fall around when Brazil and Colombia hit critical mass, as they are the most populous countries in South America.
  • If South America peters out without the need of Fake News, that's good, congrats! But usually, you'll need to pick up Authority 2 and Fake News, and the timing of Fake News is very important. If it's only one or two countries that haven't quite tapered out yet, Fake News should get you through the worst of it. And usually, it's only one or two countries that are left by the time Censorship wears out.
  • Once your authority is no longer frozen, pause the game and check all countries to see if any are still in critical mass. They should all have tapered out if you've used both Censorship and Fake News, but it doesn't hurt to check. Resume the game, occasionally pausing and keeping track of the number of infected people left in each country. If the number of infected people in Colombia is 0, then you can move your field operatives from Central America and move them to any country that still needs help getting their numbers down.
  • Once every infected person has died, congratulations! You've beat the game!

Strategy 8 (Mega Brutal - mobile)[]

General Information[]

Curing bio-weapon on mega brutal will take a lot of time and patience. But contrary to other guides here, this guide works with the disease starting in North America too.

A few words before we start: I absolutely do not recommend using fake news or censorship as I lost every single time I used them. However, since the chances of the plague starting in a country that we want it to start in are low and it takes many tries, I recommend you listen to your intuition as every game is different. I am just offering a strategy that has helped me beat bio-weapon on mega brutal.

Task Force[]

Use: Forensic Epidemiologist; Celebrity Scientist; Strategic Fundraiser; Fast Response EMTs; Medical Coordinator.

Start in the Caribbean.

Under Operation fund Investigate Outbreaks and Deploy Field Operatives.

  • DO NOT fund Government Partnerships. It takes a while for the red bubbles to show up, and we want to quickly entrap the plague. By not funding Government Partnerships we have enough resources to quickly close all access without having to wait for resources.
  • If the plague starts in Bolivia, Peru, Colombia or Mexico - jackpot! If it starts elsewhere, you still have a fair chance and it should be worth a shot.

As soon as you found the plague in Americas make sure to immediately close air and sea access (both North and South America, starting with the continent of origin), and fund Declare Armageddon. As soon as you can fund Extreme Measures 1 and 2, and Force Lockdown in the affected continent.

  • By funding Extreme Measures, you are increasing your chance to win: If somehow the plague manages to escape (South Africa, Japan, the UK and France are the main candidates) you can simply deploy your field operatives there (if the number of infected people is under 1000) and fund Targeted Quarantine and Soft Targeted Quarantine to prevent the disease from spreading further. As soon as the country becomes healthy again, move the field operatives back.
  • I recommend keeping the field operatives in Central America, Canada, or Colombia. The fewer countries infected, the better.
  • During the game, make sure to keep a close eye on how many infected people there are per country. If for example your plague started in Mexico, and there are lots of infected people in Central America, but Colombia and all the countries below are still uninfected, keep your field operatives in Colombia to prevent the plague from entering South America. Do the same vice-versa: if all of South America is infected, but North America is not, then keep your field operatives in Central America or Mexico. Always keep them where the infection rate is still low (ideally under 1000) and if you clear a country, move to the next one. But never forget to double check your cleared countries. Also make sure to pause the game every now and then and check if South Africa, Japan, the UK or France or any other country have become infected without you noticing. It is vital to limit the disease to America.

Fund Furlough Schemes and Vaccine Research.

  • It is crucial to keep the compliance risk as tolerable as possible. With time, Non-Compliance will go through the roof. Make sure to keep it below or around 85-90%.
  • Since we don't know how long exactly it will take for all the infected people to die, a vaccine is a good plan B. It was not a few times that it happened to be completed and distributed before all people died.

Fund Targeted Economic Aid, Adapt Society, Mortgage and Rent Relief, National Stimulus and Debt Relief while playing the game.

Make sure to completely close all access from America, North and South. You do not want to miss your plague infecting a country without you noticing and spreading from there. It's better to have done it.

Once you have great infection rates (over 35-50%) in Brazil, Colombia, the USA, Argentina or Mexico (ideally in more than two big countries) fund Expectation Management.

  • You will likely get a pop-up saying that "..." fatality rate hurts Authority.
  • Your authority will start dropping, but don't worry, it will not collapse. If you find yourself with extra cash, you can invest in authority (but absolutely no censorship or fake news and do not buy up all authority at once) or in vaccine research and manufacturing. However, you do need to make sure to always keep enough resources for targeted economic aid in case of high non-compliance!

Keep on playing the game, making sure that non-compliance is as low as possible, no other country has become infected (very important!) and you will win.

(I know I said no fake news or censorship, but if for some reason your authority is close to collapse but you are absolutely certain that you will win within the next 60 days then do it. I personally always lost when using them that is why I do not recommend them.)

Now you either won by letting all infected people die or by completing the vaccine! Congrats!!! :)
