Plague Inc. Wiki
Plague Achievement Achievement Name: Chinese Nuclear Retaliation
Achievement Description: Make the USA nuke China
Value: 40 pts Difficulty: Normal

How to get this achievement?

Follow this guide:

  1. Play the "Immune Plague" on any difficulty (I recommend Casual if you're hurry).
  2. Start on any country.
  3. Evolve Drug Resistance 1 & 2.
  4. Infect the world without increasing severity (just don't evolve symptoms and devolve them if mutate).
  5. Add Inflammation and Seizures symptoms and watch USA population (this is very long part), at 25% of dead people or more will show a pop-up saying "USA President taken ill". If you're hurry you can try Total Organ failure and devolve it when 25% of USA population are dead but I recommend be patient, if USA status is in General disruption or takes long as expected you know you ruined this and you must restart the game.
  6. Evolve Insanity symptom only and a pop-up will appear: Spalin is elected instead of the vice president.
  7. After Spalin will say she wants revenge China (or Russia) because she thinks they created this as bioweapon. You need to evolve Paralysis symptom to avoid army to stop her.
  8. Then she will send nuclear attacks to China and all people of China die. Also you get the achievement!